My Portfolio

A showcase of my passion for data science and relevant projects

About Me

I am a passionate social data scientist.
I enjoy using data science to answer questions about human behavior and making social impact.
If you would like to know more about me, please continue reading this page and feel free to click around.

I have a strong academic background. I am a senior at University of California, Los Angeles, double majoring in Applied Math and Cognitive Science, specializing in Computing. My GPA is 4.0/4.0. My excellent academic background lays a solid foundation for my detail-oriented attitude and critical thinking skills.

My career interest in social data science has started from my computational math research and been confirmed in my last summer Facebook data scientist internship. I am motivated when analyzing datasets related to human behavior as if I am directly talking to people, understanding their needs, and improving their experiences.

Besides telling data stories, I love reading, travelling, and listening to KPOP in my spare time. During quarentine, I have started learning investing and listed top 10 things that I want to do after COVID-19, among which surfing, diving, skydiving are the top 3.